Sunday, 16 June 2024 is running a "web app".

It's been very rewarding to pick up old skills (along with old habits) to develop an interface whereby bills in parliament can be presented to punters and they get to aye or nay them.

I've spent a ridiculous amount of time building it. I've pushed it out to a few and got the attention of some tertiary course providers looking for project material for their students.

Today I zoom with one such group!

Meanwhile, we have every reason to anticipate an independent candidate winning the seat in this area in the 2025 election. Their platform includes "doing democracy differently". This has been my theme and I think I did get some of the idea across to these people in 2022.

Sunday, 4 February 2024

de soto

 Funny how things happen. Not just shit.

Confluence - flow together....

oh gosh

How to stitch all these threads - weave.

Anyway, the meat in this sandwich must be apology - the nature and form thereof.

I am distracted right now but I'll be back.

Here goes: I had promised to try to get help to understand why, as a parent of a troubled adult child, I fail to understand the origin of my progeny's trouble. Quite a task!

It turns out that the best way to restore family relations is to heal myself! What a surprise! I am being directed back 10 years when I became blissfully aware that we all come from and are headed to the same place.

Anyway, Shelto gave me a nudge and that all came rushing back just at a time when I was focusing on the stuff of now which has been, and is, quite diverting.

At this time my recall is suggesting that I had always believed that the deSoto belonged to Linda and that she had left it in my care to try to sell it. Perhaps I should try to corroborate that legend.

I recall clearly a day at Coffs Jetty when there was a gang of "classic car" club tyoe people and I tuned up with a for sale sticker on the dusty deSoto only to be frowned upon.

If all that is wrong and it was Shelto's car, then maybe I owe an apology. I googled apology and discovered that a good way to cmpose such a thing is to imagine what I would like to receive in apology from someone who had trespassed against me. I am struggling to think of someone who owes me an apology. I guess that means I've been more of a trespasser than a tresspassee.

But I guess it would be along the lines of "Oh shit! Sorry".

Saturday, 23 December 2023


 We sang and we sang - 10 meets. Enough for me to conclude I do NOT have the gift of leading song. At best I can roar along with the mob around the campfire.

However, nothing ventured = nothing gained.

I have found much to be enjoyed in participating with the singers of Bellingen. Hayley is attracting enough participants to make nice, albeit simple, harmonies.

I would like to be able to take a leaf....

The idea for a grant is viable.... but really?

Time will tell.

Savvy singers at camp creative is next.

Monday, 14 August 2023


 so singing at scotts head eh? voices @ scotts_head

That'll be a hoot!

And along the road I've met google buckets - big cloud

That was in getting people @ wayway going with wowonder.

and mcVic

Getting to like google more and more. The console actually offers a shell! Pretty intense.

Friday, 14 July 2023

Here's a thought: at (registered, no worries) show a full list of mobs, each mobname as a link to

Then configure all those directories (which I'll now call folders) on

Aha - on to something here.


BEFORE propogating all those folders, populate with defaults:



protected admin folder with some tools (???)

other stuff....(???)

Once it's propogated 600 times it becomes a BIG JOB to manage each mob's site which should ultimately be delegated to the 600 mob's IT bods. So the capacity to delegate has to be built in too.

Might need a grant to do this! Who wants to pay? Who gets paid?


But, but but: above works for web but it would take subdomain to provide email for as well

And that would be worthwhile for every person in the mob!

I guess it could be done later with a redirect in every /mobname/ folder to /webroot/mobname/

So if there is a grant to pay someone to do this then why not do the subdomains first. Then propogate a bundle of goodies to each /mobname

There are cpanel tools for this kind of thing. So obviously there are people around who have the smarts to make that happen.

I've just now come across google buckets! So there's no storage problem! Each mob gets a bucket. Or a folder in a bucket.


well into 2023 I find community to be significant. And singing. So, let's sing 

but also keep on trying to show how this big old net could work at the local level

Every community (mob) ought to have access to a net tool for communicating. 

I know, Facebook etc. But who wants to be at the whim of those megaloze. 

(Megalomaniacs - megalo's but I hate that use of apostophe - give z a go I say. z goze (goes).)

I asked the squatter if I can get - no response

I've also asked google about - that would be my preference. $20 a year! Not available.

Look here - - just an empty lot so far.....

To save on hosting all those domains when only a redirect is needed for development, I've got it forwarding to which in turn forwards to a form at which will find me.

There are about 600 mobs around. It's possible to have eg for each and every one.

(I have* pointed to for now)

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

enough I say

Who would want to enter into a treaty with such a mendacious horde of invaders?

Enough of this pretence. There is no way this political edifice will ever deliver anything approaching equity.

There is no time left.

There is a time for every purpose - it is the season of environmental catastrophe.