I blog.
I choose to start this blog now. I have a need to own something
What I think about all the twittering:
china.cn takes me to https://cn.china.cn/
I can't read it but this is china's internet front door - the beach. Here is where you land when you come ashore in china. It's a shop!
https://www.gov.cn/ is the beach for the peoples' republic.
I can't read that either but there is https://www.gov.cn/english/
australia.au - This site can’t be reached
The large southern continent's front door doesn't exist! No beach!
https://www.australia.gov.au/ responds. Just now it's loaded with virus stuff and not much else.
https://www.gov.au/ offers a bit more if you like that sort of thing.
None of this has anything whatsoever to do with the zuckersphere where the twits are.
"social media" has many aspects which all amplify the message that "the medium IS the massage"
If it's "on tv" then it's all tv - the slime from the video
I'm warming to the theme...
If it's twitter, it's for twits.
Katherine Murphy's assertion about an "official chinese twitter acccount" ... blah
So I posted this on facebook: